Automotive Defense Specialists Announces New Content on Auto Repair Shop License Issues and Defense Attorney Support

24-7 Press Release Newswire
Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 7:00am UTC

Automotive Defense Specialists is proud to announce new content on handling an auto repair shop ARD license issue. A defense attorney's support could help overcome a potential license suspension.

LOS ANGELES, CA, March 29, 2025 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Automotive Defense Specialists, a California-based law firm servicing auto repair and SMOG businesses, is proud to announce new content. The threat of losing an ARD or Auto Repair Dealer license could be the loss of a business. The same goes for a SMOG license or STAR license. An auto repair shop defense attorney can help save one's license and stop a suspension, allowing a SMOG or auto repair business to continue to operate.

"When auto repair shops receive a citation or suspension letter, they are up against a mob of 'experts.' From the investigators to the documentation staff, a team is prepared to prove the auto shop is wrong," Stated William Ferreira, lead attorney at Automotive Defense Specialists. "The best way to defend a license against the Bureau of Auto Repair is for an auto shop to get their own legal team. We are ready to answer the call."

Here is background on this release. New content for managing an ARD license citation from the Bureau of Automotive Repair is available at Automotive Defense Specialists help defend auto repair shops and technicians from accusations and suspensions from the Bureau of Auto Repair. The defense attorney team provides support in Southern and Northern California. The law firm is led by William Ferreira, Esq. and is focused on auto repair and smog shops throughout California. The law firm manages STAR invalidations, SMOG check citations, interim suspension orders, ARD licensing issues, and criminal defense. The firm has managed over five hundred citations in the past eight years. Quite a few included using an undercover vehicle by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. The use of undercover cars is controversial, to say the least.

Several on the defense attorney team have backgrounds in smog testing and repair, engine rebuilds, diagnosis of modern computerized vehicles, and automotive repair. An auto repair shop owner might find an expert defense attorney could help dismiss a citation and save a business.


Auto repair shop owners must have a current Auto repair Dealer license or ARD ( If the Bureau of Automotive Repair issues a citation, the license could be in jeopardy. If citation and accusation letters are not correctly addressed, a smog shop owner could lose the license and his or her business. One of the best solutions can be to speak to an expert auto repair shop defense attorney ready to stop an ARD license citation in its tracks.


Automotive Defense Specialists ( is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs, including the Bureau of Automotive Repair letters, citations, and suspensions. The legal team can help auto shops respond to a Defense Letter from the Bureau of Auto Repair. The company offers phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians, and others facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.

Tel. (415) 392-2886

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